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A Sonorous Expedition (part II)

Maxilla Space

W10 6NQ London 

open by appointment 12th - 18th of October

Why do we care? | 3rd radio broadcast on Resonance Extra, Wednesday 16th October 11 am


Through a personal story that happened between Ana Carolina and a healer in the rainforest in Panama, and revisiting a singing event that happened this Summer in one of the most polluted places in the UK, the artist asks why do we care? 

The singing event was composed of the voices from the community of Silchester Estate and their surroundings; they sang the first songs they remembered that day. A local choir joined them afterwards. 

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Why have we become so removed? | 2nd radio broadcast on Resonance Extra, Monday 15th October 11 am


by Christopher Taylor

For this broadcast the artist behind A Sonorous Expedition; Ana Carolina Rodrigues, has invited Christopher Taylor to take us on a walk. 

Visiting a number of trees, times, places, and events he discusses our move away from using natural materials in their original state and asks; ‘why have we become so removed?’

Christopher Taylor Cork oaks in nature r

Are we on Track? | 1st radio broadcast on Resonance Extra, Wednesday 10th October 11 am


This broadcast centres on a rainforest, located in the coastal region between Panama and Colombia, home to untouched rainforest and a place for critically endangered species. 

The work unveils through a walk where two friends try to find higher ground above the trees, to look out over the green canopy. For this work, Ana Carolina talks about the hiatus between humans and flora and fauna.

With Maija Fox.



About the show


A Sonorous Expedition presents a sound and visual, ecological and social research journey in Panama as a transformation to the environment of the Maxilla Space in London. 

In Panama, Ana Carolina was based in the indigenous community of Guna Yala, which encompasses rainforest and covers much of Panama’s eastern Caribbean coast; the aim was to learn from the indigenous community ecological and sustainable ways of living. 

The show is presented under the A40, in North Kensington, one of the most polluted places in the UK and asks how we can recover our ancestral connection to the space around us and believe in progression without damaging our ecosystem. 

For the exhibition, Carolina collaborated with the artist Christopher Taylor for one of the radio broadcasts and a site specific-installation at Maxilla Space.

The exhibition is accompanied by three radio broadcasts on Resonance Extra on Wednesday 10th, Monday 15th and Wednesday 17th October at 11 am, and is supported by The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, and ACAVA.


Sonorous Expedition Workshop | Saturday 18th of August

The workshop was an exploration of sounds and noises using mainly contact microphones and hydrophones in contact with a Monstera Deliciosa, a plant native from tropics (Mexico to Panama), yew wood, water, different metals, etc.

A performative cacophony was created and recorded by exploring these different sonorities individually and at the same time.​


© Constantine Gras​
Sonorous Expedition Workshop -

Sonorous Expedition Workshop | Saturday 18th of August

With Ana Carolina Rodrigues and Constantine Gras


Workshop for families, 2 pm - 4 pm

Maxilla Studios


We will be making and collecting noises from the Forest School and from plants, through a variety of tools which will be recorded and then turned into a sonorous composition to be played under the Westway and broadcasted in October in a London based radio.

This workshop is part of A Sonorous Expedition; an art project involving sound and ecological research done on a rainforest in Panama and, currently in London, that asks how we can recover our ancestrally and belief in progression without damaging our ecosystem.



Singing Morning

An event composed of the voices from the community of Silchester Estate and surroundings performing in the areas of the green Estate. Interested in ideas of memories and based on the idea that vibrations help plants to grow, I asked the residents to sing the first songs they remembered that day.

The local choir joined us after.  

© Chris Taylor

Singing Morning | Saturday 4th of August


In collaboration with Silchester Residents Association.

There will be a breakfast, on the Saturday 28th of July from 10 am at Frinstead House Community Room, to talk about the project with all the residents.  

The Singing Morning at Silchester .jpg

A Sonorous Expedition

Part I




From Guna Yala, Panama to London

A collaborative project by Ana Carolina Rodrigues, La Wayaka Current and Resonance Extra.

Spring 2018



The project involves a sound and visual, ecological and social research journey in Panama. We were based in the autonomous territory of Guna Yala, which covers much of Panama’s eastern Caribbean coast. The main focus is the soundscape and chants or traditional vocal expressions and how this relates to the socio-ecological system and context. The aim to the project was to learn from the indigenous community ecological and sustainable ways of living.



The expedition took three weeks and three radio sessions were broadcast on Resonance Extra presenting the three different chapters that we are researching. 



1st Radio broadcast Resonance Extra| Tuesday, 22 of May at 4 pm (BST)


Presentation of the Guna Yala community


By Ignacio Crespo Evans, lieder from Armila.

Victor Fernandez from La Wayaka Current translating the talk.


Listen here.





2nd Radio broadcast Resonance Extra | Tuesday, 29 of May at 4 pm (BST)

Turtles making their nests.

The second broadcast is a visit to the beach where the turtles are making their nests. Two turtles were making their nests. One of the turtles laid down the eggs within a reasonable distance from the sea. No intervention was needed as the sea would not wash the eggs
away. The other turtle laid down her eggs near the shoreline and for that reason, the person responsible for protecting the nesting sea turtles collected the eggs and planted them in the Vivero.



Listen here .





3rd Radio broadcast Resonance Extra | Tuesday, 26th of June at 6 pm (BST)


Fragments from nature: a sound from the rainforest.


Finally, the third broadcast encompasses a walk to the rainforest by Sofie, from La Wayaka and I. As we go deeper into the rainforest, away from the village Armila
towards Colombia, we can hear the birds and the sound of the trees, with the Caribbean Sea in the background. The fauna and flora of this place are rich and dense. Next to a stream, we meet Pablo, one of the Curanderos from the village. He is collecting plants to make his medicines. He goes deeper into the jungle. These recordings are important fragments of sound from one of the oldest and most diverse ecosystems on earth. Hopefully, the sound will emphasize the need to save these natural and diverse ecosystems and to recognize what we may lose if we turn deaf ears to global warming.


rainforest, panama, Guna Yala, Ana Carolina Rodrigues, soundart, artist residencies
Listen here .

Medicinal roots, collected in the rainforest, by Pablo, the healer.

This project is supported by The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and by ACAVA
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