Talking to a Goldfish
Doremi Residency
Hosted by Coniston institute and Grizedale Arts, 2017
Talking to a Goldfish is a collaborative project born during the Doremi
Residency, resulting from the exchange of ideas and joint voices between
Ana Carolina Rodrigues and Meg Narongchai with the aim of exploring both voices in a quarry and communicating with each other using mainly sounds that resonates with the set of the disused inter-linked quarries for green slate and the main chamber. The singing is no longer retained to semantic meaning, the voice is reduced to listening, one voice calling another, one voice responding to another, go quietly and reapear.
The performance was recorded and filmed by Alex Culshaw at the Cathedral Quarry near Coniston and the experience was shared with the Coniston Community in a public talk between the two artists.
Talking to a Goldfish, 2017
Digital film
9min, 33sec