We Might Find it Hard to Be Human Without the Sustenance That We are Lovable, Galerie Alex Serra, Cologne, Germany, April, 2022
For this new body of work, the artist has been delving into Bell Hooks´s book All About Love.
The title for the show We Might Find it Hard to Be Human Without the Sustenance That We Are Lovable comes from the book and it expands her exploration into issues related with love, physical disappearance and embodiment.
The sculptures are a continuation of Rodrigues´s exploration in wood and pigment. The process of sculpting embodies a memory of loving care.
Some of the sculptures were created during the time while Rodrigues family had Covid 19 and one of the plinths was painted by her son, Artur.In the recent drawings, using charcoal and soft pastel, forms and colours relate to the idea of birth, life and death.
Bell Hooks´s book was so important to Rodrigues because she feels related to the writter, in the sense that so little was spoken to her about love. “It is not something you do, in our culture or family, to talk about love and express feelings of love. However, there’s a sense of care and looking after one another really deep-rooted”.
Had I Shared With Others a Common Understanding of What it Means to Love it Would Have Been Easier to Create Love, 2022, wood and pigment.
Had I Been Given a Clear Definition of Love it Would Not Have Taken Me So Long to Become a More Loving Person, 2022
soft pastel and pigment on paper
Love Letter to my family, 2022, soft pastel on paper.